
Sausage Fingers

Still from Sausage Fingers, 2024. Sausage Fingers, video, 00:11:00, 2024 Different coloured rubber hair ties repeatedly placed on my thumb until it turns blue and

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do you love me?

do you love me?

‘do you love me?’ is a video work of a woman using a child size pair of semaphore flags to repeatedly signal ‘do you love me’. However, the woman is signalling in mirror image, a common mistake when first learning semaphore, playing further into the miscommunication around love. The flags are red & yellow Oscar flags used to signal at sea, increasing the miscommunication and distance between performer and viewer.

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28 Days

28 Days

In 28 Days a naked woman places 28 post-it notes on the wall in a grid, 7 across and 4 down, to represent a menstrual cycle. However, the post-it’s keep falling off the wall. The woman continues the performance until all the post-its stay on the wall. Within seconds of walking away from the completed task the post-its start to fall again.

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Screw Up

Screw Up

‘Screw Up’ is about the regulation and resulting judgment placed on the female body. The trauma this causes, the scars it can leave and the resilience needed to continue.

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Frustrated Performance/ Frustrated Body

This is an attempt to conform to a standard and found lacking. A performance evolved to control a body which only undermines the regulation. Layering the frustration, the performance never ends, the body fails to deliver and they never meet in the middle.

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‘HAPPY’ was made in response to my journey to become a mother but finding myself childless. ‘HAPPY’ talks of the missed birthday parties and how the best laid plans can go horribly wrong.

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do undo redo

do undo redo

My partner and I have taken a journey over the past eight years into childlessness. Five of those years we were trying to have children

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Balloons, video, 5 min, 2013 The camera is focused on a woman’s mouth. The woman blows into a balloon, with each breath the balloon inflates

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