
Untitled (Multitudes)

Untitled (Multitudes), digital photographs, 900 x 600 mm, 2024 This series of photographs was created while on the NARS International Residency Program, New York, April

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We’ve all had those moments where time slows down, you feel like you’re moving through quick sand and wonder when you’re going to wake up. These are the trauma inducing moments, all you can do is breathe through them. Only to discover that life has changed on the other side.

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Pictured here are the envelopes from the clinic and the charts I used to record unmentionable information about my cycle. No details are revealed here just the key I created for myself, hinting at the ‘RAGE’ I felt during the whole process.

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Little Prince

My partner and I have taken a journey over the past eight years into childlessness. Five of those years we were trying to have children

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Untitled (Rainbow)

Untitled (Rainbow)

Untitled (Rainbow) comes from a larger body of work entitled Spinning in my Mother’s Garden: a search for subjectivity. This research looked into the possibility of female subjectivity in a society based in patriarchy. Navigating feminist thought through equality, difference and androgyny and considering the theories of Irigaray, Derrida, Kristeva and others.

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A4 sheets of coloured paper (blue, red, pink, yellow and green) have been cut into 4cm wide strips of paper. The strips of paper have been shuffled together. Each strip has been placed next to the other, within the shuffled order, on the scanning bed of a photocopier. The lid of the photocopier has been left open so that the light from an adjacent window is able to filter through the paper strips altering the colours within the resulting photocopy depending on the time of day. The next sequence of strips is placed on the scanning bed and the process repeats. The series continues.

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Untitled (Miss World)

Untitled (Miss World)

Untitled (Miss World) comes from a continued interest in how society constructs women for its own consumption. Exhibited The Pretty Show, High St Project, Christchurch, NZ,

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