Untitled (Countdown), renamed Countdown in 2017, come from a larger body of work entitled ‘Spinning in my Mother’s Garden: a search for subjectivity‘. This research looked into the possibility of female subjectivity in a society based in patriarchy. Navigating feminist thought through equality, difference and androgyny and considering the theories of Irigaray, Derrida, Kristeva and others.
Video, 1 min 40 sec, 2008
Repeatedly counts down from 100 to 0.
Satisfaction Frustration, MEANWHILE, Wellington, NZ, 2017
Is this Enough?, Blue Oyster, Dunedin, NZ, 2009
Other works from Spinning in my Mother’s Garden: a search for subjectivity include Untitled, Untitled (Shuffle), Untitled (Drawing), Untitled (Performance),Untitled (Drawing Performance), Untitled (Headstand), Untitled (Bulb), Untitled (Rainbow),Untitled (APPLAUSE), Untitled (APPLAUSE #2), Untitled (Cross Stitch), Untitled (Landscape)